News archive

Last Thursday, Mrs Walter-Rosenheimer visited the DSND. Mrs Walter-Rosenheimer is a member of the Bundestag for the party Bündnis 90/Die Grünen. After a short tour of the school,...

Between the British and the American School in Delhi, not too far from the DSNS the Vivekananda community is located, where several working families under visibly simpler living...

Even if our senior students are first and foremost focussing on the upcoming Abitur, they are of course also looking beyond this. What should they actually do after that? The...

What actually happens at a reading night? And do people actually read there?
The interns not only organised the nightly reading aloud in the school's classrooms, but also...

Thanks to an invitation from the German Christian School in Chiang Mai, our student executive committee had the opportunity to meet the student councils of three other German...

Auch der alt-irische Brauch zog dieses Jahr wieder in die DSND ein: Halloween. Traditionell haben alle interessierten Schülerinnen und Schüler die Gänge und Klassenräume der...

Am 1.Dezember, schon einige Tage vor dem offiziellen Nikolaus-Tag, besuchte der Nikolaus die Kinder im Kindergarten. Wie er erzählte, war er in diesem Jahr etwas früher unterwegs,...

On Saturday, January 20th, the kindergarten's teaching staff met for a team training day in the kindergarten.
Together we looked at kindergarten work through a systemic...

St Martin's Day is celebrated by many Catholic Christians to commemorate St Martin. It commemorates the legend of the Roman soldier who shared his coat with a beggar. Martin found...

At the end of the year the AES, the American Embassy School, invited the DSND to participate in a friendly match. Our six players accepted the offer with the goal to improve their...

On 17 October 2023, the ninth grade, led by Ms Tscherpel, Mr Textores and Ms Steckhan, went to Nehru Park to study the trees in the park as part of a joint project. As part of...
Archiv News
Feb 15
Feb 18
Feb 19
Feb 20
Feb 25