Visit to Sacred Heart Cathedral and Bangla Sahib Gurudwara

english News

25th February 2024

Today we visited a church. The church is called Sacred Heart Cathedral. We looked around the church. Then Maximilian and Ines told us who works in the church: the pastor, the cantor, the sexton, the deacon, the parish priest and the church painter. They also told us about the things in the church: Pews with kneelers for the faithful, often stained glass windows, a pulpit from which the priest preaches. The centre of the church is the altar. The choir sings from the gallery. There is a confessional and a baptismal font. The font is by the door. This is where the faithful bless themselves as they enter and leave the church.

In front of the church there is a Marian grotto. Almost all the children lit candles there.

Then we went to the Gurudwara Bangla Sahib. When we arrived at the temple, we went into a visitor's room together and had to take off our shoes and socks and put on a shawl. Before we went into the temple, Julila and Annabel explained to all the children how to behave in the temple. Finally, we walked through a pool of water into the temple. We also visited the kitchen.