The Reading Pirates are the best!

english News

08th October 2023

The reading pirates feel right at home in the small elementary school library. As soon as everyone has found a place on the sofa, they're ready to go!

We have a lot of reading material on the bookshelves and usually manage to get to know a children's book from beginning to end. The series "Was ist was?" and "Greg's Tagebuch" as well as the many picture books are also very popular with our little readers.

However, the stories about the girl Conni are particularly popular. When Conni once lost her mother in a large department store, the children followed the search for and recovery of Conni's mother in the children's department with great interest........
Afterwards, almost all the children talked about their own experiences in similar situations.

The younger children tend to enjoy listening and the older ones take turns reading aloud from each chapter.