Three choirs in Delhi at „Namaste Germany“ and „ Day of the German Unification“ 2023

english News

27th November 2023

Searched and found have three different choirs of three different institutions themselves, to perform together the national anthems of India and Germany at the occasions of two very important events. Has there been any misunderstandings? No way!

Students of grades 7-12 participated of the DSND, a music orientated class of Dr.Bhim Rao Ambadker School and several singers of the mozart choir. The premises of the Austrian Embassy allowed to perform the rehersals of over 50 singers.
Every choir ensemble has contributed intensively with first smaller than always enlargening rehearsals, general rehearsals and soundchecks, that these two great events could be openend in a festive- musical manner.

The first presentation of the young German- Indian Choir took place on the 7th of october in the Thyagaraj Sports complex infront of 4000 German learners. This was at the festival of the Goethe Institute, Max Mueller Bhavan in Delhi, which centralizes German language and culture every year with all German language studying students from Delhi NCR and celebrates its: „Namaste germany“.
The choir had the second presentation on the 19th of october at the celebration of the „German day of reunification“ in the German Embassy in Delhi. Likewise in this location it was absolutely demanding to sing and play the two national anthems in a honorable and professional way. Well done singers! Both festivals have been a great success.